Princeton Community Health Table

The Wellness Exchange is a free skill building curriculum that is offered in weekly, virtual sessions that are 60 minutes in length. Wellness Exchange provides people an opportunity to pause and reflect on what is most important for them to enhance their well-being, actively identify what they need, and consider strategies that the work for them.

The Wellness Exchange is available to anyone who is interested in building additional skills around resiliency and coping and it is free of charge. It is offered in a virtual group format with opportunities for interaction, however, the content is focused on self-reflection and group participation is optional. You can join as many sessions as you want.

Start date of the first topic: March 1 


Week 1: Building Problem-Solving Skills teaches people the tools to break problems down into more manageable chunks, identify a range of ways to respond, and create an action plan to move forward.

Week 2: Promoting Positive Activities guides people to increase meaningful and positive activities in their schedule, with the goal of building resilience and bringing more fulfillment and enjoyment into their life.

Week 3: Managing Reactions helps participants to better manage distressing physical and emotional reactions by using such tools as breathing retraining, writing exercises, and identifying and planning for triggers and reminders.

Week 4: Promoting Helpful Thinking helps people to learn how their thoughts influence their emotions, become more aware of what they are saying to themselves, and replace unhelpful with more helpful thoughts.

Week 5: Rebuilding Healthy Connections encourages people to access and enhance social, workplace, and community supports.